Welcome to my corner of the universe! I’m excited to tell you about my writing, art, ministry, and life in general.

As a writer, I qualified for inducktion to the Odd Duck Society.
I focus on the Holy Spirit’s daily direction rather than any particular genre. So far, my Holy Ghostwriter has led me to write:
- Hymns and faith songs
- Poems
- Church skits and longer dramas
- Bible studies
- Devotions
- Puppet ministry how-to
Once upon a time I exhibited photographs in art shows and galleries. Nowadays I use my images primarily in digital design projects like book covers and note cards—and, of course, on this website. I’ve also done a bit of acrylic painting (on canvas and on my house—I won’t say which came out better).
I’m a certified Lay Speaker in the United Methodist Church, and I’ve been a lay speaker/lay servant since 1997. I’m not clergy, and I don’t marry, bury, or baptize people. The role of Lay Speaker/Lay Servant includes:
- Teaching
- Preaching
- Leading worship
- Communicating
- Caring
Writing and art are creative ways to do all those things.
Education and Work
- B.A. in Psychology from Cornell University.
- In 2007 I retired from the New York State Department of Labor. My 32-year career as a clerk, employment interviewer, unemployment insurance claims examiner, trainer, and manager honed my technical writing skills and taught me a lot about the human condition.
- I’ve been a dairy farm wife since 1973. Trust me, this fits both halves of “Education and Work.”
- I’m a member of the Hymn Society of the U.S. and Canada, which is a sort of continuing education.
- I’ve served on faculty at Montrose Christian Writers Conference and learned a great deal there about the craft, the life, and the business of writing.
A farm wife must have a farm husband, right? Mine is named Bill. We met at Cornell, married in my home state of Maine, settled in his home state of New York, and raised two children. Theresa Olin (AKA Diva Daughter) sings with the Houston Symphony Chorus. Her exquisite soprano vocals grace several songs on my YouTube channel. Jeffrey Olin is a digital artist and photographer, whose cartoon illustrations add a lively element to my book Puppet Ministry Pizzazz.
Links to News and Interviews
Puppet Ministry Pizzazz book review A Time and A Place magazine, March 2020
WWIB Radio Interview January 31, 2019 (starts with song at the 2:00 mark)
Author Interview – Linda Bonney Olin with David Todd, February 23, 2018
Author Interview with Linda Bonney Olin by Dr. Terry Dorsett on Next Generation Evangelistic Network, February 6, 2015
Linda Bonney Olin, a God-Centered Writer from the U.S. Interview by Kiriti Sengupta, June, 2013
“Farm Wife Writes with Hope and Humor” Ag Connection News, March 12, 2013
Meet the Author – Linda Bonney Olin with Marsha Hubler, May 14, 2012
Lent Bible Study Announcement Tri-Town News, February 23, 2012
I love your sense of humor! I found you through your comment on the devotions for Chaplain. I’ve enjoyed reading your work. 😉 Thanks for giving me a smile today!
Hi, Georgia! Pleased to cyber-meet you. Thanks for stopping by and especially for leaving an encouraging note. Yes, a sense of humor sure can help lubricate our passage through this friction-filled life. 😀
I am enriched by visting your website. I like it.
Thank you, ishita. There are many goodies tucked into the various corners of my site. Enjoy exploring them.