Faith Song for Christmas

Artwork of Baby Jesus in the manger titled

My Christmas Card – Art and Music

Christmas is near, the promise of a Savior about to be fulfilled. What better way to express the long-awaited hope of mankind than through a new mother’s song of welcome to her oh-so-special baby son?

I wrote “Mary’s Lullaby” and several other songs for a Christmas Eve service held at Ouaquaga United Methodist Church several years ago. God willing, those pieces will grow into a complete cantata someday. For now, I’m content to hear my talented soprano daughter, Theresa Olin, singing  “Mary’s Lullaby.”

Listen with me.

Mary’s Lullaby

Merry Christmas, and may all your God-inspired hopes be fulfilled!

–  Linda

Love, Truth, Purpose, Freedom: Pat Bertram

Photo of Pat Bertram, photo supplied by Pat Bertram

Author and blogger Pat Bertram

I first encountered Pat Bertram in her role as administrator of the popular Suspense/Thriller Writers group on Facebook. Pat is, not surprisingly, an author herself, but her work ranges far beyond the suspense/thriller realm.

Detecting in Pat a kindred spirit I would like to know better, I asked her a few nosey questions …

Pat, why do you write what you write? For example, why did you choose to write A Spark of Heavenly Fire?

A Spark of Heavenly Fire came about because of a Washington Irving quote: “There is in every true woman’s heart a spark of heavenly fire, which lies dormant in the broad daylight of prosperity; but which kindles up, and beams and blazes in the dark hour of adversity.” When I read those words, I could see her, a drab woman, defeated by life, dragging herself through her days in the normal world, but in an abnormal world of strife and danger, she would come alive and inspire others. And so Kate Cummings, the hero of my novel A Spark of Heavenly Fire was born. But born into what world?

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Walton Writers’ Works, Hot Off the Press!

Photo of the book cover of Walton Writers' WorksI have in my hands a copy (already autographed by writers Rosemarie Montague-Tiesler and Susan King) of Walton Writers’ Works: From the Catskill Mountains. This new anthology is bursting with poems, memoirs, short stories—even a scene from a musical theater script—contributed by members of the W. B. Ogden Writers Group.

Several of the writers will read excerpts from the anthology at the W. B. Ogden Library, 42 Gardiner Place, Walton, New York, on Wednesday, December 19, 2012, starting at 7:00 pm. Weather permitting, I’ll be there to read my short piece “Al Zimmer Comes to Call” and poem “Through Two Unblackened Eyes.”

My copy of Walton Writers’ Works: From the Catskill Mountains will be at the ready to be signed by more of the local writers whose work graces its pages. I understand that the entire printing has already sold out, so there won’t be any copies available for purchase at the library. However, there should be plenty of time before December 19 to order your copy from and tote it to the reading for autographs.

Pick Up a Pen and Celebrate “I Love to Write Day”

Poster announcing  November 15, I Love to Write Day

Ten years ago, Delaware author John Riddle had the bright idea to hold the world’s largest party for writers. That idea quickly evolved into an annual day dedicated to encouraging everyone to write. Thousands of schools and libraries—even the governors of nine states—have joined the celebration.

John says: “My goal for I Love To Write Day is simple: people of all ages are encouraged to write something. A poem, a letter, an essay, start a novel, finish a novel…the possibilities are endless!”

Edward Bulwer-Lytton famously said, “The pen is mightier than the sword.”

I would add my own soon-to-be famous saying: “The sword has no power at all unless you pull it out and use it. Same goes for your pen!”

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Faith and Freedom ~ Veterans Day

Photo of Corporal Clarence Bonney in uniform

Corporal Clarence Bonney at Camp Crowder, Missouri, before deployment to Burma

My father, Clarence Bonney, served his country for four years during World War II, much of it at a jungle airfield in Burma. As the man in charge of maintaining the field’s electric generators, he worked under dangerous circumstances to support airplanes “flying the hump” to deliver supplies to our troops in China.
Today I want to thank Dad and all the other veterans of our armed forces, who sacrificed their time, their health, and in some cases their lives, that others might live in freedom.

Faith and Freedom

As a Lay Speaker/Servant in the United Methodist Church, I had the opportunity to lead Sunday worship services this morning at my home church and our sister church a few miles away. Preparing for my Veterans Day message, I was struck by the parallel between the service men and women who put their lives on the line so the rest of us can live in freedom, and Jesus Christ, who gave up his own life so that we might live eternally in freedom from sin. Workers in Christian missionary service, as well as those in the military service, can be called into harm’s way, even to death.

To make that point more personal, in place of the traditional Gospel reading and sermon I chose to portray the Apostle John speaking as a traveling preacher in the year 44 A.D., eleven years after the crucifixion of Jesus. In this dramatic monologue, John reflects on the recent execution of his brother James, the first of the twelve apostles to be martyred, and on what James’s death meant to their family’s faith.

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Soul Destruction ~ Ruth Jacobs

Question: Why would a nice church lady discuss prostitution on her blog?

Answer: To support author Ruth Jacobs’s mission to dispel the “happy hooker” myth and expose the “soul-destroying” reality of prostitution.

Photo of author Ruth Jacobs

Ruth Jacobs, author of the Soul Destruction novels


I recently read Ruth Jacobs’s book In Her Own Words… Interview with a London Call Girl and her blog, Voices of Prostitution Survivors.  To be honest, I half expected to find lurid pornography masquerading as social commentary. Instead, I found authentic reflections from “Q” and other real women caught up in the trade (often as very young girls). I was so moved by their experiences that I contacted Ruth, and she graciously agreed to answer my questions.

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Frightful Wind and Waves

The disciples went and woke him up, shouting, “Master, Master, we’re going to drown!”
When Jesus woke up, he rebuked the wind and the raging waves. Suddenly the storm stopped and all was calm. Then he asked them, “Where is your faith?”
The disciples were terrified and amazed. “Who is this man?” they asked each other. “When he gives a command, even the wind and waves obey him!”
—Luke 8:24–25 (NLT)

Photo of ducks swimming on a large expanse of water

See the ducks? They’re swimming on our cornfield during the 2006 flood. This scene was repeated in 2011. The banks of the Susquehanna River normally are behind that row of large treetops in the distance.

Hurricane Sandy is bearing down on the northeastern USA, bringing tree-toppling winds, unprecedented tidal surges, and inland flooding from heavy rainfall. Victims of the so-called hundred-year floods of 2006 and 2011 in New York and Pennsylvania have good cause to fear this new threat to their safety and possessions.

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Elizabeth Bristol ~ Confidence in the Prophecy

My Kindle music book, SONGS FOR THE LORD, will be offered as a FREE download on and its European affiliates on Friday, November 2 through Monday, November 5. Mark your calendars! And please help me get the word out!

Photo of Elizabeth Bristol

Elizabeth Bristol

Here is a related message—a testimonial of sorts—sent in by kindred spirit Elizabeth Bristol.

A native of Foxboro, Massachusetts, Elizabeth has lived in many states and other countries. She says she loves the school of life and looks for opportunities to step into another pair of shoes for deeper understanding. She can be conventional, but she’d rather color outside the lines.

(I happen to know that Elizabeth has applied to work in Antarctica. That’s coloring outside the lines, all right!)

Elizabeth writes:

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Eddie Jones ~ Author & Publisher


Photo of Eddie Jones
Author/Publisher Eddie Jones

Today’s Faith Song is a duet with guest Eddie Jones. Eddie claims he can’t carry a tune, so we’ll settle for hand-clapping and foot-stomping in the “joyful noise” pew. 🙂

I met Eddie at the 2011 Montrose Christian Writers Conference. Couldn’t help but love the humor-filled, down-to-earth way he lives out his passion for the Lord and for the written word.

Eddie is the author of eleven books and over 100 articles. He also serves as Acquisition Editor for Lighthouse Publishing of the Carolinas. He is a three-time winner of the Delaware Christian Writers’ Conference, and his YA novel, The Curse of Captain LaFoote, won the 2012 Moonbeam Children’s Book Award and 2011 Selah Award in Young Adult Fiction. He is also a writing instructor and cofounder of Christian Devotions Ministries. His “He Said, She Said” devotional column appears on ChristianDevotions.US (not “dot com”). His humorous romantic suspense, Bahama Breeze, remains a “blessed seller.” When he’s not writing or teaching at writers’ conferences, Eddie can be found surfing in Costa Rica or some other tropical locale.

Now, try to imagine Eddie answering the following questions with a grin and a charming slightly-southern accent:

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Get Personal with Puppets

Photo of Bill with furry critter puppet

Clyde (the puppet) with Bill (the handsome bearded guy) wearing the Ho!Ho!Ho! hat featured in “Clyde Teaches Jeff a Christmas Lesson”

Got a quirky kid who wants to serve the Lord?

Or, are you a quirky grownup looking for a fun ministry?

A puppet pal might be just the ticket!

My quirky son, Jeff, was eleven years old when he launched his personal puppet ministry with Clyde, a furry gray critter puppet who found us at a yard sale. Their performances were more like conversations between buddies than typical puppet plays. Instead of hiding behind a curtain, Jeff was “on stage” with Clyde. The pair chatted back and forth about the situation du jour and learned faith lessons in the process. Audiences laughed and learned right along with them.

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